Meet the Expert

Decode | Meet the Expert: Circular Economy

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The second season begins by tackling one of the hottest topics of our time: the Circular Economy.

We are experiencing a transition phase globally, and it concerns the transformation of energy production and consumption patterns as well as society's consumption patterns.

Circular Economy

Individuals' consumption choices impact the planet.
Patterns composed of individuals' choices generate virtuous processes, or not.

The Circular Economy is an approach that guides toward a consumption pattern that reduces the environmental impact of individuals (and society) and companies that espouse this philosophy.

De Nora has chosen to embrace the circular economy approach, both in the development of internal processes aimed at reducing its activities' environmental impact and in the development and production of technologies designed to support its customers in developing circular models.

Davide Rovelli explains De Nora's commitment to tackling this interesting and important new challenge and introduces us to Salt Splitting technologies.

However, stay tuned on DECODE, there is so much more to discover!

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