
Industrie De Nora finalizes the acquisition of the area for the GigaFactory

Industrie De Nora finalizes the acquisition of the area for the Gigafactory

Industrie De Nora S.p.A. – Italian multinational listed on Euronext Milan, specialized in the electrochemical industry and leader in sustainable technologies and in the emerging green hydrogen industry - in a joint venture with Snam, has finalized the acquisition of a disused industrial area located south-east of Cernusco sul Naviglio for the realization of the "Italian Gigafactory" project.

The project is part of De Nora Group's production capacity expansion plan and foresees, following the demolition of the existing buildings, the construction of a large-scale production hub with a capacity of up to 2GW for the production of electrolyzers for the generation of green hydrogen, systems, and components for water electrolysis and fuel cells, as well as the construction of facilities to serve Group's other divisions.

The production facility will take up approximately 25,000 square meters. The design of the plant will be an opportunity to revamp the area "on a human scale" by adopting a modern concept of industrial architecture, based on criteria of respect for the environment and sustainability, through renewable energy generation, the use of photocatalytic materials capable of decomposing air pollutants, light mobility projects and urban reforestation.
The construction of the Gigafactory is scheduled to begin in the second half of 2023, subject to the successful completion of the permitting process that will unfold in the coming months.

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